John Bateson, "The Final Leap"


The book, "The Final Leap," written by acclaimed author John Bateson, tells us the historical stories of the some 1,700 souls that chose to end their lives by throwing themselves off the Golden Gate Bridge.

The book, while it profiles these stories, does much more than that. John took the time to step in to the lives of the people left behind so we can understand just what happens to family when they lose a loved one to suicide.

The majestic steel bridge, opened on May 27, 1937, has become the number one attraction in America where anxiety depressed filled victims felt they could go to end their pain.

John's interview will give us an in-depth and historical perspective about the transportation highway that spans the Golden Gate strait, the mile-wide, three-mile-long channel between San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. The structure links the U.S. city of San Francisco, on the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula, to Marin County, bridging both U.S. Route 101 and California State Route 1 across the strait.

We appreciate John's time very much in meeting and talking with us.

To learn about "The Final Leap," and other books written by John Bateson, please visit