Phyllis Sandler At seventy-five, Phyllis Sandler lives each day with intention...intention to spread her enthusiastic, positive and caring attitude throughout her world. Mother of five children, grandmother of fifteen and great-grandmother of one, family is so important to Phyllis. After family, she consciously plans out how she can benefit other people's lives in her community. Through the Harvey and Phyllis Sandler Foundation, both Phyllis and Harvey have impacted people's lives by the support they have offered to Also, through the Sandler Foundation, they have disbursed millions of dollars to well over 100 charities including:
As a teacher for anyone who will take time to listen, Phyllis tells us all that we need visual reminders in our daily lives to help us not forget how precious life is and that we owe it to ourselves to look for these simple moments of joy from our friends, family and spouses. She makes it very clear money does not bring happiness but rather small moments of time that are shared through giving oneself and the gratitude for each day lived that will make you happy. We recently sat down with Phyllis for our film "Death is Not the Answer" and to learn what Phyllis has learned about life over the last 75 years. We are thrilled to be featuring Phyllis in this documentary and we also thank her for her role as one of the executive producers. |