Professor Robin Rubin
Florida Atlantic University

Professor Rubin really is a tremendous asset to our society. After spending two days filming with Robin and following her through one of her classes she teaches at Florida Atlantic University about gratitude and happiness, I couldn't stop thinking about just how important Robin's teachings are to these young, twenty-something students.

Robin, who like us all, has faced life's ups and downs, talked to us about these words we all seem to take for granted: joy, gratitude, intention and, of course, happiness.

On the evening of her class, the students were presenting their final projects about all of these words. The creative presentations offered a simple reminder of how easy it is to learn to look at life with that half full glass.

We are certain her discussions will help add a poignant enlightening view to our film. Robin had invited author David Pollay, "The Law of the Garbage Truck," and "The 3 Promises," to speak to the students.

David, as he does with all of his audiences, talks about what his books convey in detail. On this particular night, David shared his personal story about himself. He started off by telling the students, we all that "thing" - in many cases, "things" to deal with in our lives.
In one hand you have this thing and in the other hand you have all the joy and good in your life.

David went on to telling the students that on Monday of that week, he now, at 50 years old, was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. You could tell that David, offering this very personal information about his health, caught the students by surprise.

David wanted to share this with them so they understand that even a national speaker/author of positive thinking also has "things" in his life that he has to deal with.

We thank David for letting us film his talk. We are certain he will add a great deal to our film "Death is Not the Answer."

To learn about David's books, visit